Everyone knows the holidays are where people pack on the most pounds, but it’s not just their bellies that are overstuffed, it’s their garages too. According to DailyFinance.com, “one quarter of Americans said they never miss or usually visit at least one store on Black Friday.” We’ve given into the guilty pleasure of buying something that we may not necessarily need. It’s generally okay to splurge during the holidays as long as it doesn’t break your budget. Now consider the thought that when the New Year rolls around you might not be able to fit your car in the garage. Those lovely trinkets have built up over the years, transforming from a place of joy to place of doom. Okay, that might be a little dramatic. Either way, we have three great reasons to consider investing in a mini storage in Reno, NV after the holidays.
Clutter happens because humans love giving value to everything. It’s why a superman comic can sell for over a million dollars, and why the pet rock industry was a thing. Author Carmine Gallo said, “When you introduce new items into your life, you immediately associate value with these items, making it harder for you to give them up in the future. This psychological connection to things is what leads to the accumulation of stuff.” However, these items lose value as a whole when they start to cause unneeded stress and possible claustrophobia. Graham Hill, founder of TreeHugger, got rid of his million dollar mansion for a small apartment, forcing him to keep only the necessities. Hill said, “I like material things as much as anyone. I studied product design in school. I’m into gadgets, clothing and all kinds of things. But my experiences show that after a certain point, material objects have a tendency to crowd out the emotional needs they are meant to support.” In other words, unclutter your home and place all the extra keepsakes in storage.
Sometimes the “Holidays” can be a yearlong term for people who love to party. Pretty much every day could be a different event with its own set of special party supplies.
Check out few holidays coming in 2015:
• National Freedom Day
• National Talk Like a Pirate Day
• Bubble Bath Day
• National Hat Day
• Golfer’s Day
• Oktoberfest
• Teddy Bear Picnic Day
• Pecan Pie Day
• International Dog Biscuit Appreciation
• Bad Poetry Day
However, your home shouldn’t have to look like the Grinch stole Mardi Gras from the Easter Bunny. We recommend getting a storage unit specifically for all parties and holidays.
Make room for your new gifts and store your keepsakes this January. Ample Storage is offering a free month of storage to new customers who buy one month. Click the image below for a comparison chart of our units.