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Spring Cleaning Made Easy: Unlocking the Power of Storage Units in Reno

As spring rolls around, the familiar urge to clean and declutter our living spaces emerges. This annual ritual, known as spring cleaning, is not just about dusting off shelves; it's about creating a more organized, functional, and serene environment. At Ample Storage, we understand the challenges and opportunities of spring cleaning, especially when it comes to finding the right storage solutions. Here's a guide to making your spring cleaning efforts both effective and rewarding.

The Art of Decluttering

The first step in any successful spring cleaning endeavor is decluttering. It's about sifting through what you have and deciding what stays and what goes. Start by categorizing your items into 'keep,' 'donate,' 'sell,' and 'store.' Remember, decluttering is not just about getting rid of things; it's about making room for what truly matters.

When tackling different areas of your home, be systematic. Start from one room and move to the next, ensuring each space gets the attention it deserves. Closets, garages, and living areas often hold items we haven't used in a year or more – these are prime candidates for decluttering.

Organizing Your Space

After decluttering, the next step is organizing. This involves finding a place for everything and keeping everything in its place. Use storage solutions like shelves, bins, and boxes to keep your items neatly stored and easily accessible.

For items used seasonally or occasionally, consider how they can be stored to maximize your living space. This is where Ample Storage comes into the picture, offering a variety of storage units in Reno to suit your needs.

The Benefits of a Storage Unit

Using a storage unit for items that are not regularly used but are still valuable can be a game-changer in your spring cleaning process. Seasonal decorations, outdoor equipment, keepsakes, and other items that you don't need immediate access to can be safely stored in a storage unit.

At Ample Storage, our units provide a secure, clean, and easily accessible option for storing your belongings. This not only helps in decluttering your home but also ensures that your items are kept in a good condition until you need them again.

How to clean your storage unit in Reno

Choosing the Right Storage Unit in Reno

Selecting the right storage unit is crucial. Consider the size, location, and features of the unit. At Ample Storage, we offer a range of sizes to fit your specific needs – from small units for a few boxes to large units that can hold furniture and large equipment.

When considering a storage unit in Reno, think about accessibility. How often will you need to access your stored items? At Ample Storage, we ensure ease of access so that retrieving your belongings is hassle-free.

Embrace a Clutter-Free Spring

Spring cleaning is more than a chore; it's a refreshing start to a new season. By decluttering, organizing, and utilizing the right storage solutions, you can transform your living space into a more enjoyable and functional environment.

We invite you to explore how Ample Storage can assist in your spring cleaning journey. Visit our website to learn more about our storage unit options in Reno and take the first step towards a more organized and decluttered home. Remember, a tidy space is a tidy mind, and with Ample Storage, achieving this has never been easier.

Did you know that one in five households move to a new place every year? If you’re planning to settle down in a brand new home, you might be curious about when is the best time to do so. 

Peak moving season is typically described as the time between the months of June and August but can begin as early as April or end in late October. This timeframe is usually when college students are moving out of their dorms and apartments and potentially finding new ones. Additionally, many families with K-12-aged children want to make sure they’re fully settled in and familiar with the area by the time the new school year starts. 

Self Storage Company, ample self storage, reno storage facilities

The spring through fall seasons makes for a much better time to move than the winter and holiday season. Who wants to stress about major holidays and family gatherings in addition to moving or looking for long term storage

Moving is not going to be easy, but it doesn’t need to be a miserable time either. So many things need to be accounted for during the moving process, whether it’s hiring movers, making lists, planning ahead for utilities or schools, and closing on your house. Getting a plan in place has worked wonders for a lot of people when it comes to leaving your old home and settling into the new one. By avoiding these common moving mistakes and planning ahead, you can prepare better for the unexpected and make things run more smoothly.

At Ample Storage, we’ve been helping Northern Nevadans store their valuables since 1987 and have considered your convenience and security first. This also applies to the packing process too, because we’ve been around long enough to know what works and what doesn’t! 

  1. To avoid copious amounts of stress, start packing up to a month before the move. The more you pack up ahead of the date, the easier it’ll be for you to take care of other moving details and tasks as your deadline approaches. Start by packing one room at a time, and beginning with the rooms you use the least until you get to the high-trafficked parts of your home.
  2. Before the big move, stock up on supplies such as box cutters, permanent markers, packing tape, paper towels, and garbage bags. This will help you stay organized and make sure your items are packed securely.
  3. Other helpful equipment to look into includes moving blankets, straps and dollies to make lifting and shifting furniture easier. Be sure to clear a path to the door and put protective covering on the walls and flooring as an easy way to prevent dents and dings.
  4. Don’t overpack boxes, but make sure to prevent any large spaces if items still can fit. If a cushion is needed to protect valuables, using towels, cloths and even articles of clothing can work to fill up those spaces.
  5. When packing, try to keep your items together. It’s much easier when unpacking if you keep all kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom essentials together. Be sure to either label or color code the boxes to note what rooms the items are for.
  6. Works of art are a common and tricky thing to pack. Our experts suggest making an X with masking tape across the glass to not only strengthen and reinforce it, but also hold it together if it potentially shatters. Wrap the pictures in bubble wrap or paper and put them in a frame box, which is a special moving box with a piece of cardboard between each frame for a cushion. Another tip to keep in mind is to make sure not to wrap oil paintings in regular paper as it’ll stick together and smudge.
  7. If you’re not working with a team of movers, getting a moving truck with a ramp is a must. Even if renting a truck without one seems like the cheapest option, the struggle with getting all the furniture up and in the truck can add hours of backbreaking labor to your move.
  8. Many people feel that the most challenging part of the packing process is deciding what to keep or throw out. If it has been a prolonged period of time since you used something that can be an indicator that it might be time to sell or donate it. Be sure to ask yourself if a piece of furniture that’s on the larger side is also something that is worth moving to a new house, too.
  9. One of the more important tips on packing is being able to detach yourself from any emotions or sentimental value when deciding to keep or toss an item. A popular option to get rid of things is to host a moving sale, and it’s an easy way to make money for items that are still in excellent condition.
  10. With packing taking up so much time, a moving sale may not be feasible. Instead, another time saving option is to donate your items to places such as Goodwill or other thrift stores that take furniture and/or clothing. The local library may also be interested in any old books in excellent condition, too!

Here are some additional tips on moving:















Ample Storage is Here to Help

storage unit sizes

Downsizing when moving is important, and if you’re looking to move some items into storage until you’re ready to use them at your new home, consider using our storage services to keep them safe. Ample Storage has a variety of storage unit sizes with sizes ranging from 5x5 and 20x20. 

Free up space in the moving truck and get organized today. Our team looks forward to being a part of your new journey!

Contact Ample Storage to Learn More Today


reno storage unit 2018

With the new year in full swing, you probably still have a garage full of decorations and a resolution or two to clean out that clutter. No matter how much we try to prevent it, the holidays always create clutter and take over our garages. Investing in a self storage unit helps you stick to your resolutions and create space you never knew you had.

New Year's resolutions usually revolve around eating healthy and losing weight, but some of the other common goals involve saving money and being more organized. Ample Storage in Reno can help with the latter of the resolutions by offering secure, affordable storage units.

Get OrganizedChristmas tree bag

Organization is not for everyone, but it’s possible for anyone who stores their items in a self storage unit. Organizing your holiday decorations and other items you don't use year-round can be painful, but it doesn’t have to be. The greatest obstacle of organization is finding a place to put everything. Storage units in Reno, Nevada can eliminate this issue by providing a convenient place to store all of your unused items and ample space to keep them separated and organized.

Free Up Garage Space

We all know how easy it is to just throw all of your holiday decorations in the garage “for now.” What this really means is that we don’t want to deal with finding a place for everything and they will sit there until next Christmas. The clutter usually begins with a few things and eventually takes over your entire garage. There is a simple solution to this common problem: invest in storage in Reno, NV. If you have a secure place to store your items, your garage will be safe from all kinds of clutter. You may even be able to use your garage for which it was designed!

It’s Worth Every Penny

best valueSome people might not see the value of investing in storage because “you can just store things in your home.” While you can do this, you'd be wasting viable space and increasing the likelihood of clutter. Although there is a cost associated, purchasing a storage unit is an investment you should consider. Storage units in Reno Nevada allow you to move items that aren't used often to a spacious and secure place. The convenience is worth the investment.

Ample Storage is committed to innovating the way people use Reno storage units. Apart from the units being affordable, find Reno storage facilities that offer great customer support, renting options, and state-of-the-art security.

Get a Self Storage Unit


christmas clutter, reno storage units

No matter how much stuff we already have in our house, Christmas always tends to create an unbelievable amount of clutter. Even when we don’t ask for things for Christmas, relatives and friends still seem to get us presents. It might not seem like it at first, but all of these gifts add up and take up space. Before you know it, you have a cluttered situation on your hands and another chore added to the list. We have a few ideas, including Reno storage units, to help you keep your Christmas clutter-free.

Spring Clean in the Winter

moving boxes reno, reno storage units

Around the holidays, you should plan on doing some spring cleaning. I know spring cleaning in the winter doesn’t make much sense, but I promise it will help. If you are able to remove some of the clutter, you can make room for new stuff. The best time to get this cleaning done is between Thanksgiving and New Years. The kids are home to help, you have some time off work, and you have to clean up for company anyways.

Get the Kids Involved

The kids are home from school for a couple weeks during the holidays, so getting them involved is a great idea. They probably aren’t going to be too happy about having to clean up on their break, but there is a way to persuade them. Institute the “If you want it, make room for it” rule and they will be glad to help. If they want that skateboard on their Christmas list, they are going to get rid of the old skates and scooter to make room. This little incentive will get the kids helping and reduce the clutter of toys around the house.

Get a Temporary Storage Unit in Reno, NV

Mini self-storage units can be the perfect way to get a cluttered situation under control. Sometimes, the holidays just get too busy before we’ve had a chance to sit down and sort everything from mismatched chairs to overrun toolboxes to overflowing bookshelves. But there are relatives to make room for, and potentially more incoming furniture, tools, books, and other things. A self-storage unit like the ones at Ample Storage can keep your stuff organized, safe, and out of your way until after you’ve enjoyed (and recovered from) the festivities.

Ask For Intangibles This Year

Consider letting friends and family know that you want to do Christmas differently this year. Suggest eliminating tangible gifts and point to experiences you’d like to have, places you’d like to go, and charities you’d like a donation sent to in your name. Better yet, suggest pooling all your money and having a great experience together as a family on vacation. These gifts mean so much more and won’t create clutter in your home.

Make your holidays more enjoyable by cleaning out the clutter early and investing in storage in Reno, NV. Ample Storage prides itself on being the cleanest, nicest, and most secure Reno storage option. With the best value facilities and the space to store your stuff, Ample is your partner in safe self storage.

View Our Reno Storage Unit Sizes


It is not difficult to be bursting at the brim with excitement when a new child is coming into your life. Baby planning can be a pure joy, but it also comes with challenges for parents who need to make room. Whether you are on your first or third round of baby planning, it typically means you need more space and could probably use an affordable storage unit.

Save the Fuss & Find a Storage UnitPreparing for a baby.

Converting the spare room as part of your nursery planning means you must create space elsewhere to hold unused furniture or decorations, like a self-storage unit or another unused room in the house. Similarly, making room for baby may require an overhaul of your soon-to-be-occupied storage room, which means relocating boxes and bins of items you may need in the future. Nursery planning can be made quite a bit easier with the convenience of a self-storage unit and a detailed checklist for what needs to happen to make preparing for first baby a smooth process.

Secure an Affordable Storage Unit First

Storing special items, affordable storage unitBefore you start baby planning within your home, carefully select an affordable storage unit in your area that will meet your baby storage needs. If you are living in the Reno, NV area, Ample Storage has great options in affordable storage units. The furniture used in your spare bedroom won’t work well for your newest family addition in the beginning, but will most likely be used again once the baby gets older. Likewise, the boxes and bins you have kept in your storage space that will soon become your nursery do not need to be foregone altogether simply to make room. Your self-storage unit can hold all of these items and allow you easy access when you need them again. This reduces the amount of clutter in your home, and creates a comfortable, welcoming environment for your new child.

Store for the Next Little Onemaking room for the baby

If you are planning to have more children, or simply want to hang on to those precious items that remind you of your baby’s formative years, self-storage can quickly be shifted to a baby storage space as time goes on. The following items are common for parents to keep in a secured self-storage unit:

Create (and Follow) Your Nursery Planning ChecklistNew baby room.

Once your self-storage unit is acquired and you have determined what room you will use for your new child’s nursery, you can start to work on your to-do list. Tasks should include a full cleaning of your nursery space, and new low or no-fume paint to match your planned décor. You will also need to plan the layout of your new nursery based on the baby furniture you plan to use, but remember not to pack the room full. Leave space for yourself and for your child, and keep items organized by using small bins or baskets to hold wipes, diapers and clothes. Finally, baby-proof not only your nursery setting but the remainder of your home by covering outlets and softening sharp corners on furniture, and creating space for your baby to grow.

Reduce That StressStress free storage Reno.

The use of a self-storage unit when planning a baby can make the process far less stressful for you and your new baby. Decluttering the nursery space and other living areas of your home establishes a welcoming environment for your newest family member. Your self-storage unit can also be used as baby storage in years to come, making the transition from newborn to toddler and beyond that much easier.

Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sundays & Holidays: Closed
Access to Units: 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM 7 Days a Week
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